Academic Courses @ ASU
FSE 301
Course Description:
n-depth application of entrepreneurial concepts including opportunity recognition, value creation, and new business management. Students learn how to identify the needs of a market and problem solve to meet those needs through innovation. Students learn common mistakes made in the new venture process and how to work to avoid these mistakes.
TMC 330
Course Description:
Comprehensive overview of leadership strategies and development as it applies to individuals, organizations and events. Applies leadership development to workplace dynamics such as technology management, entrepreneurship and globalization.
TEM 598
Syllabus Link
Course Description:
s course introduces you to promoting the business-to-business (B2B) enterprise, focusing on activities directed towards businesses, governments, and not-for-profit organizations. Utilizing Markstrat, a sophisticated computer simulation, you'll apply the concepts learned in class to understand specific issues faced by firms, analyze and respond to these challenges, and culminate your experience with a final oral presentation.
Other Courses Taught at ASU:
General Studies Courses
FSE 181 - Technological, Social, and Sustainable Systems
TEM Undergraduate Major Courses (Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering)
TEM 300 - Career Management for Entrepreneurs and Innovators
TEM 494 - Promoting the B2B Enterprise
Business Courses (WP Carey School of Business)
ENT 360 Entrepreneurship and Value Creation
Industrial Design Graduate Courses (Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts)
IND 598 - Principles of Design Entrepreneurship
Other Courses Taught at California State University, Northridge:
Management Department (Nazarian College of Business and Economics)
BUS 497A - Capstone: Strategic Management
BUS 497B, 497BBH - Capstone: Small Business Planning and Growth
Marketing Department (Nazarian College of Business and Economics)
BUS 491cs - Small Business Consulting
MKT 442 - Business to Business Marketing
MKT 498C - Internship Field Assignments and Reports
Event Materials